Direct, online, social media and mobile marketing

19 important questions on Direct, online, social media and mobile marketing

... Brands are brands that avoid direct competition with established traditional brands by selling and shipping directly to consumers only through online mobile channels.
Which words needs to be on the ...?

Direct to consumer (DTC)

Why do companies use direct marketing?

To tailor their offers to the needs and interest of narrowly defined segments

... Means using digital marketing tools sucha s websites, social media, mobie apps and ads, online video, email and blogs that engage consumers anywhere, anytie via their digital devices.
Which words needs to be on the ...?

Digital and social media marketing
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... Means creating a seamless cross channel buying experience that integrates in store, online and mobile shipping.
Which words needs to be on the ...?

Omni channel retailing

What are the two major forms of direct and digital marketing?

  1. Digital and social media marketing
  2. Traditional direct marketing

What is the difference between digital/social media marketing and traditional direct marketing?

Digital/social media marketing is the use of digital tools, traditional direct marketing is selling products directly to consumers.

.. Is a website that engages consumers to move them closer to a direct purchase or other marketing outcome.
Which words needs to be on the ...?

Marketing website

... Is a website that presents brand content that engages consumers and creates customer community around a brand.
Which words needs to be on the ...?

Brand community

... Sending highly targeted highy personalized relationship building marketing messages via email.
Which words needs to be on the ...?

Email marketing

... Is unsolicited, unwanted commercial email messages.
Which words needs to be on the ...?


... Means the digital version of word of mouth marketing via video, ads and other marketing content that is so infectious that customers will seek it out or pass it along to friend.
Which words needs to be on the ...?

Viral marketing

... Are online forums where people and companies post their thoughts and other content, usually related to narrowly defined topics.
Which words needs to be on the ...?


... Is independent and commercial online social networks where people congregate to socialize and share messages, opinions, pictures, video's and other content.
Which words needs to be on the ...?

Social media

... Eans marketing messages, promotions and other ontent delivered to on the go consumers through their mobile devices.
Which words needs to be on the ...?

Mobile marketing

... Is marketing that occurs by sending an offer, announcement, reinder or other item directly to a person at a particular address.
Which words needs to be on the ...?

Direct mail marketing

... Means using the telephone to sell directly to customers.
Which words needs to be on the ...?


... Telemarketing means receiving orders.
Which words needs to be on the ...?


... Telemarketing means sell directly to consumers and businesses.
Which words needs to be on the ...?


... Is a direct marketing via television that persuasively describes a product and give customers a toll free number or an online site for ordering.
Which words needs to be on the ...?

Direct response television (DRT)

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