Company and marketing strategy - Managing the marketing effort and marketing ROI

7 important questions on Company and marketing strategy - Managing the marketing effort and marketing ROI

Managing the marketing process requires the five marketing management fuctions, name all 5 functions?

- Analysis
- Planning
- Implementation
- Organization
- Control

Internal capabilities that may help a company reach its objectives. Which of the 4 SWOT factors is this sentence above belong to?


Internal limitations may interfere with a company's ability to achieve its objectives. Which of the 4 SWOT factors is this sentence above belong to?

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External factors that the company may be able to exploit to its advantage. Which of the 4 SWOT factors is this sentence above belong to?


Current and emerging external factors may challenge the company's performance. Which of the 4 SWOT factors is this sentence above belong to?


What is the goal of a SWOT analysis?

Match the company's strengths to attractive opportunities in the environment while eliminating or overcoming the weaknesses and minimizing the threats.

There are 8 steps what you should include in a marketing plan. Name all the 8 steps?

1. Executive summary
2. Current marketing situation
3. Threats and opportunities analysis
4. Objectives and issues
5. Marketing strategy
6. Action program
7. Budgets
8. Controls

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