The global market place

15 important questions on The global market place

... Is a firm that, by operating in more than one country, gains R&D (research and development), production, marketing and financial advantages in its costs and reputation that are not available to purely domestic competitors.
Which words needs to be on the ...?

A global firm

... Is a group of nations organized to work toward common goals in the regulation of international trade.
Which words needs to be on the ...?

Economic community

The four elements of the global environment

  1. The international trade system
  2. Economic environment
  3. Political-legal environment
  4. Cultural environment
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... Is another word for entering foreign markets by selling goods produces in the company's home country, often with little modifiation.
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... Means entering foreign markets by joining with foreign companies to produce or market a product or service.
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Joint venturing

... Is entering foreign markets through developing an agreement with a licensee in the foreign market.
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... Is a joint venture in which a company contracts with manufacturers in a foreign market to product its product or provide its service.
Which words needs to be on the ...?

Management contracting

... Is a cooperative venture in which a company creates a local business with investors in a foreign market who share ownership and control.
Which words needs to be on the ...?

Joint ownership

... Means entering a foreign market by developing foreign based assembly or anufacturing facilities.
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A direct investment

... Is a global marketing approachthat adjusts the marketing strategy and mix elements to each international target market, which creates more costs but hopefully produces a larger market share and return.
Which words needs to be on the ...?

Adapted global marketing

... Means marketing a product in a foreign market without making any changes to the product.
Which words needs to be on the ...?

Straight product extension

... Is adapting a product to mete local conditions or wants in foreign markets.
Which words needs to be on the ...?

Product adaption

... Is creating new products or services for foreign markets.
Which words needs to be on the ...?

Product invention

... Is a global communication strategy of fully adapting advertising messages to local markets.
Which words needs to be on the ...?

Communication adaption

... Means designing channels that take into account the entire global supply chain and marketing channel, forging an effective global value delivery network.
Which words needs to be on the ...?

Whole channel view

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