Questions Athena

11 important questions on Questions Athena

Companies classify customers into 4 groups according to their profitability and loyalty; butterflies, true friends, barnacles and strangers. What's the difference?

Butterflies are profitable, but not loyal. Good fit between the customer needs and companies offerings.

True friends are profitable and loyal. Strong fit between customer needs and companies offerings.

Barnacles are loyal, but not profitable. Limited fit.

Strangers are not profitable and not loyal. Little fit.

What are the three forms of diversification?

Horizontal; when you are developing new products for unfamiliar markets. E.g. Notebooks and you are developing pens.

Concentric; new products related to the current products for new markets. E.g. Apple who is going into the smartphone market.

Conglomerate; new products unrelated to the current products, e.g. Samsung who is selling air conditioning.

With integrated growth we distinguish forward, backward and horizontal. What's the difference?

Forward; you increase control of the distribution. E.g. Manufacturer sells in own shops.

Backward; you increase control of supply systems. E.g. Newspaper companies buying paper mill.

horizontal;  you increase control of competition. E.g. Acquisition.
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When analyzing the macro environment, we also have economical forces in which we think about business cycle, buying power and disposal income, discretionary income, wealth and willingness to spend. What's the difference?

Business cycle; fluctuation in the economy that follow a general pattern.

Buying power; resources that can be traded.

Disposal income; after-tax income.

Discretionary income; disposal income that is available for spending.

Wealth; past income + natural resources + financial resources.

Willingness to spend;  using buying power.

What's the difference between one-to-one marketing, single variable segmentation and multivariable segmentation?

One-to-one marketing is customized marketing engaging individual customers.

Single variable segmentation is segmentation achieved by using only one variable. This is the simplest type of segmentation, e.g. Income.

Multivariable segmentation is segmentation based on multiple variables, e.g. Gender, age, income.

What's the difference between profiling and descriptors?

Profiling is the task of building up a fuller picture of the target segment. The variables used in this profile are descriptors. They are used to describe and build the fuller picture.

Besides the segmentation criteria, e.g. Demographic, geographic etc. You can also base your segmentation on needs or business relations. What's the difference?

Needs is about the product, service or information needs customers have.

Business relations is based on the stage of purchase of usage.

Within your segment you need to find patterns or clusters; homogeneous, cluster or diffused segments. What's the difference?

Homogeneous segments are all targeted customers together, e.g. Everyone in your segment is very young.

Cluster segments; your segment contains different groups of different sizes. E.g. Young people, seniors, young adults etc.

Diffused segments; your segment is evenly spread out, e.g. The above in the same size.

What's the difference between a brand name, brand mark, trade mark and trade name?

A brand name is the part of the brand that can be spoken.

A brand mark is the symbol or design part of the brand.

The trade mark is the legal designation indicating that the owner has exclusive use of the brand.

The trade name is the exclusive, legal full name of the company

What is brand identity prism?

This is the unique set of brand associations reflecting what a brand stands for and the intended promise to the customers.

What's the difference between brand attributes, value, personality and licensing?

Brand attributes are the specific benefits to the customer from purchasing and using the product/service

Brand values are the emotional benefits

Brand personality are the psychological cues

Brand licensing is about the licensing of the trademark

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