Persenal selling and sales promotion - Personal Selling
16 important questions on Persenal selling and sales promotion - Personal Selling
What is personal selling?
Name 4 examples of a firm's sales force?
2. Agents
3. Account executives
4. Sales consultants
What is the difference between personal selling and advertising?
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What is important when it comes to the coordination of marketing and sales in personal selling?
The design of the sales force requires different strategies and structured decisions. Name 3 aspects of this?
2. Sales force size
3. Other sales force stratgies
Explain a territorial sales force structure?
What are the 2 main advantages of territorial sales force structure?
2. Reduce transportation costs
Explain a product sales force structure?
What is the drawback of product sales force structure?
Explain customer sales force structure?
Explain complex salesforce structure? Name and example and why this is done?
Explain the sales force size?
What is team selling?
Name the 6 aspects of sales force management?
2. Recruiting and selecting salespeople
3. Training salespeople
4. Compensating salespeople
5. Supervising salespeople
6. Evaluating salespeople
What is organizational climate?
What is sales quota?
The question on the page originate from the summary of the following study material:
- A unique study and practice tool
- Never study anything twice again
- Get the grades you hope for
- 100% sure, 100% understanding