An information processing analysis

7 important questions on An information processing analysis

Why do the authors distinguish between intra-project and extra-project communication?

Because the necessary information for the innovating subunit must be obtained from both within and outside the project team.

Where does extra-project communication refer to?

To persons who serve as mediators of communication between sources outside the project team and those inside the project team.

What are boundary spanning roles?

A way of connecting project members to external sources of information.
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What do linguistic differences hinder?

The flow of communication, while communication across boundaries is vital to successful innovation. Therefore, boundary spanning individuals will engage in intra-organizational communication between the innovating subsystem and the larger organization.

What do organizational liaisons do?

Link project members to other functional areas within the organization. These individuals have also been called 'integrators'.

What opportunity for front-line employees should service organizations recognize?

The opportunity to engage in extra-organizational communication. These frontline employees perform a multifunctional task during service delivery and have crucial access to customer information. As a result, their participation and co-operation in the innovation process is a prerequisite for new service success.

How should front-line employees act?

As 'gatekeepers of information' as they possess crucial market information that should be channeled to their colleagues inside the innovation project team of the organization. These gatekeepers should mediate customer information from areas external to the organization into the project team.

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