The molecular basis of mendelian inheritance patterns

6 important questions on The molecular basis of mendelian inheritance patterns

When is a DNA molecule replicated?

During the S-phase

What is a mutation?

A change in the nucleotide sequence as the result of a rare chemical 'accident', a mutation could be change in the identity of a single nucleotide; deletion of one or more nucleotides; addition of one or more nucleotides

Which 3 methods can be used tot demonstrate chromosome segregation at the molecular level?

1. Direct sequencing: sequence the alleles (A and a) in the parents and the meioitic products, the result would be that one half of the products would have the A DNA sequence and one half would have the a DNA sequence
2. Restriction Fragment Lenght Polymorphism: a method for characterizing and tracking a segment of DNA
3. Polymerase Chain Reaction
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What are molecular markers?

Sequence alleles, RFLP alleles and PCR alleles, tags of markers that although not associated with a specific biological function can be used to track the inheritance of a segment of a chromosome at some specific position in the same way the alleles of a gene do

What are leaky mutations?

Some wild-type functions seem to leak into the mutant phenotype

What is a phenotype (Mendelian inheritance)?

The description or measurement that is tracked during Mendelian inheritance

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