How the brain processes visual information - The primary visual cortex

7 important questions on How the brain processes visual information - The primary visual cortex

What do peaple with damage to area V1 report?

No conscious vision, no visual imagery and no visual images in their dreams

Which three types of cells are in the primary visual cortex?

Simple cell, complex cell and end-stopped cell

What is a simple cell?

A cell in the primary visual cortex area V1 with a small receptive field, fixed excitatory and inhibitory zones, bar- or edge shaped recteptive field, responds to a stimulus in only one location
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What is a complex cell?

A cell in the primary visual cortex in the area V1 and V2 with a medium size receptive field, without excitatory or inhibitory zones, bar- or edge shaped recpetive field, responds equally throughout a large area

What is an end-stopped / hypercomplex cell?

A cell in the primary visual cortex in the area V1 and V2 with the largest size receptive field, a strong inhibitory area at one end of its bar-shaped receptive field, responds to a bar-shaped pattern of light anywhere in its broad receptive field probided the bar does to extend beyond a certain point

What do cells within a column of the visual cortex have in common?

They respond best to lines in the same orientation. Also, they are similar in their preference for one eye or the other or both equally.

What is a feature detector?

A  neuron that detects the presecence of a particular aspect of an object, such as a shape or a direction of movement

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