How the brain processes visual information - Processing in the retina

4 important questions on How the brain processes visual information - Processing in the retina

When light strikes the rods and cones does that decrease or increase their spontanious output?


What kind of cell is a horizontal cell?

It's a local cell, with no axons and no action potentials (its depolarization decays with distance)

Which bipolar cells are most excited?

The ones just in side the border
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When ligth strikes a receptor, does the receptor excite of inhibit the bipolar cells? What effect does it have on horizontal cells? What effect does the horizontal cell have on the bipolar cell?

Receptor excites both bipolar and horizontal cell. The horizontal cell inhibits the same bipolar cell that was excited (but excitatory synapse outweighs the effect of horizontal cell's inhibition) plus additional bipolar cells in the surround

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