Parallel processing in the visual cortex - In closing: different aspects fo vision

5 important questions on Parallel processing in the visual cortex - In closing: different aspects fo vision

Where is the dorsal stream specialized for?

Localizing visual perceptions and integrating them with action, the "where" question

What happens it the inferior temporal cortex (detects objects an drecognizes them despite changes in position, size and so forth) is damaged?

People experience visual agnosia, difficulty in recognizing the object they see

What happens if there is damage to the fusiform gyrus of the temporal cortex?

People experience prosopagnosia, a difficulty in recognizing faces despite nearly normal vision in other regards
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What is color contancy (area V5 is important for this)?

The ability to perceive the color of an object despite changes in the lightning

What is the middle temperal cortex (incl. MT and MST) specialized in?

Detection of the direction and speed of a moving object

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