Parallel processing in the visual cortex - Motion perception

7 important questions on Parallel processing in the visual cortex - Motion perception

Which 2 areas are especially activated by motion?

Area MT (V5) (Middle Temporal cortex)
Area MST (Medial Superior Temporal cortex)

From which path do the areas MT and MST receive (most) input from?

The magnocellular path (detects overall patterns including movement over large areas of the visual field)

To what does the dorsal part of the MST area respond best?

Movement of single objects
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To what does the ventral part of the MST are respond best?

An object that moves relative to its background

What is motion blindness?

The ability to see objects but impairment at seeing whether they are moving or, if so, which direction and how fast

Under what circumstance does someone with an intact brain become motion blind, and what accounts for the motion blindness?

People with an intact brain become motion blind shortly before and during a saccade (voluntary eye movement), because of suppressed acivity in several brain areas including MT

What symptoms occur if MT is intact but V1 is damaged?

The ability to detect motion despite no conscious identification of the moving object

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