Visual coding - The eye and it´s connections to the brain

5 important questions on Visual coding - The eye and it´s connections to the brain

What is the route within the Retina?

Photoreceptors, horizontal cells, bipolar cells, amacrine cells, ganglion cells, blind spot, optic nerve.

What makes the blind spot blind?

It has no receptors (and can therefore not perceive light) because it is occupied by exiting axones and blood vessels

Why does foveal vision has better acuity (sensitivity to detail)?

The area contains: tight packing of receptors, each receptor in the fovea connects to a single bipolar cell, which in turn connects to a single ganglion cell, blood vessels and glanglion cell axons are almost absent near the fovea (therefore no missing photoreceptor space)
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What is the difference between foveal vision and peripherical vision?

Foveal vision has better sensitivity to detail and peripherical vision has better sensitivity to dim light

On which half of the retina do prey species have a greater density of visual receptors?

The bottom half (looking up)

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