Therapy - Humanistic therapy

8 important questions on Therapy - Humanistic therapy

What does humanistic therapy emphasise and focus on?

People's innate potential for self-fulfilment. Present and future.

Goal of humanistic therapy

Reduce the inner conflicts that interfere with natural development and growth

Techniques of humanistic therapy

Uses techniques such as active listening within an accepting, genuine, empathetic environment to facilitate clients' growth
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Who developed the humanistic therapies?

Carl Rogers

What is nondirective therapy?

1. The path to growth is by taking immediate responsibility for one's feelings and actions.
2. Therapy believes that the client is the one responsible for the growth, therapist is just the one who facilitates the growth.
3. Conscious thoughts are more important than the unconscious and focus is on the present and future, not the past

What is active listening? & The 3 steps

Give 100% attention to the client.
1. Paraphrase - check understanding by summarising clients' words in your own words
2. Invite clarification - ask questions to encourage the client to say more
3. Reflect feelings - Mirror what you're sensing from the person's body language and intensity

What are the 3 must haves for client centered therapy?

Acceptance, genuineness and empathy

What did Carl Rogers believe for unconditional positive regard?

A caring, accepting, non-judgemental attitude can help develop self-awareness and self-acceptance

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