Intelligence - Theories of intelligence

21 important questions on Intelligence - Theories of intelligence

How many types of intelligence did Howard Gardener identify?

8 - linguistic, naturalist, logical math, musical, interpersonal, intrapersonal, bodily kinesthetics, spatial

What did Howard Gardener's believe in?

He believed that intelligence consists of multiple abilities and brain damage can destroy some abilities and leave others intact

What is Howard Gardener theory?

Savant Syndrome - a condition in which a person is limited in mental ability but has an exceptional skill. Around 50% of autistic children have savant characteristics
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What is emotional intelligence?

The ability to perceive, express, understand and regulate emotions

Benefits of having high emotional intelligence

Both socially aware and self-aware, great at managing conflicts

What are the 2 types of intelligence related to age?

Crystallised intelligence - accumulated knowledge

Fluid intelligence - Ability to reason speedily and abstractly

Intelligence test at late adolescence do?

Remarkable stability of aptitude scores

Who said that intelligent people live healthier and smarter?


Low extremes of intelligence

1% of the population. More males than females. Intellectual disability is a developmental condition that is apparent before age 18, eg. Down syndrome

How to be diagnosed with an intellectual disability?

Intelligence score of 70 and below and difficulty adapting to normal demands of independent living in 3 areas - conceptual skills, social skills and practical skills

High extremes of intelligence

IQ score of above 135. Only 3% to 5% of people are gifted

Are gifted children maladjusted?


What is the term called for placing different ability students in different classes?

Academic tracking

What is academic tracking?

It is the process of placing students in separate classes with others who share a similar aptitude score

Why do people support academic tracking?

Children have differing gifts which are well served with appropriate developmental placement and can promote excellence for all

Why do people not like academic tracking?

Those children labelled ungifted may be influenced to become so. Denying lower-ability students for enriched education can widen the achievement gap between ability groups and increase social isolation from one another

Do people who share the same genes also share similar mental abilities?


What are the 4 early environmental influences?

Poverty, malnutrition, sensory deprivation and social isolation

How to foster a growth mindset?

Believe that intelligence is changeable

Girls outperform boys in which areas?

Spelling, verbal fluency and object location

Boys outperform girls in which areas?

Spatial ability and complex math problems

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