Psychological Disorders - Depression and Anxiety

12 important questions on Psychological Disorders - Depression and Anxiety

When do suicidal urges typically arise

When people feel disconnected or feel like a burden to others. When they feel trapped by an inescapable situation

Characteristics of people who engage in NSSI

Cut or burn skin, tattoo themselves, hit themselves, insert objects under nails

Why do people engage in NSSI?

Find relief from intense negative thoughts through the distraction of pain, attract attention and possibly get help, relieve guilt by punishing themselves, get others to change behaviour, fit in with peers
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Are people who engage in NSSI attempting to commit suicide


What are delusions and characteristics of delusions?

False beliefs. Persecution and grandeur

Characterised by disorganised speech

Thoughts spill out in no logical order. Jumbled ideas that make no sense. Word salad

Example of diminished and inappropriate emotions

May laugh at the news of someone dying. Cantatonia

Meaning of diminished and inappropriate emotions

Emotionless flat affect state of no apparent feeling.

What do positive symptoms and negative symptoms mean?

Positive - inappropriate behaviours are present
Negative - appropriate behaviours are absent

Overview of chronic schizophrenia

Also called process schizophrenia. Symptoms usually occur in late teens to early adulthood. Recovery is doubtful and negative symptoms often occurs

Overview of acute schizophrenia

Also called reactive schizophrenia. Can begin at any age, frequently occurs in response to a traumatic event. Positive symptoms usually occurs and recovery is likely

Personalities frequently associated with eating disorders

Low self evaluations, set perfectionist standards, fret about falling short of expectations, intensely concerned with how others view them
Cultural and gender components interact with stressful life experiences and genetics to produce eating disorders

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