Therapy - Behaviour Therapy

8 important questions on Therapy - Behaviour Therapy

What is behaviour therapy?

Apply learning principles to the elimination of unwanted behaviours

Classical conditioning techniques

Exposure therapies, counterconditioning and aversive conditioning

What is exposure therapy?

Try to change people's reactions by repeatedly exposing them to stimuli that trigger unwanted reactions. With support of talk therapy, they can learn to react less anxiously
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What is systematic desensitisation? What is it used to treat?

A type of exposure therapy that associates a pleasant relaxed state with gradually increasing anxiety triggering stimuli. Phobias

Difference of systematic desensitisation with counterconditioning

Gradual exposure

What is aversive conditioning?

Create a negative response to a harmful stimulus to learn what you should not do. Associates unwanted behaviour with unpleasant feelings

What is behaviour modification?

Reinforcing behaviours that are desirable and punishing behaviours that are undesirable

What is a token economy?

1. People display a desired behaviour
2. Receive a token
3. Token can be exchanged for rewards

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