Therapy - Group and Family therapy & Evaluating Psychotherapies

11 important questions on Therapy - Group and Family therapy & Evaluating Psychotherapies

When is group therapy used?

When client problems involve interactions with others

Benefits of group therapy

1. Saves therapists time and clients money.
2. Offers a social laboratory for exploring social behaviours and developing social skills.
3. Enables people to see that others share their problems.
4. Provides feedback as clients try out new ways of behaving.

What is family therapy?

Treats people in the context of family system. Views an individual's unwanted behaviours as influenced by other family members.
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Goal of family therapy

Helps family members identify their roles within the family's social system, improve communication and discover new ways of preventing or resolving conflicts.

Is the aim for family therapy to change individuals? If no, then aim is to change what?

No. Change relationships and interactions

Why can't you ask a client about psychotherapy's effectiveness?

1. People often enter therapy in a crisis. When crisis passes, they often attribute their improvement to therapy.
2. Clients generally speak kindly about therapist
3. Placebo effect: they want to believe that psychotherapy is effective

Why can't you ask a psychologist about psychotherapy's effectiveness?

1. Clinicians hear little from clients who experience only temporary relief and seek new therapists.
2. Cognitive errors - confirmation bias and illusory correlations

What is confirmation bias?

Tendency to search for information that supports preconceptions and to ignore contradictory evidence.

What is illusory correlation?

Perceive a relationship where none exists or stronger than actual relationship

How to evaluate psychotherapy's effectiveness

Meta analysis

3 ways psychotherapies help people

1. An empathetic, trusting, caring relationship (therapeutic alliance)
2. Hope for demoralised people
3. A new perspective

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