Summary: Psychology : The Science Of Mind And Behavior | 9780077118365 | Michael Passer

Summary: Psychology : The Science Of Mind And Behavior | 9780077118365 | Michael Passer Book cover image
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Read the summary and the most important questions on Psychology : the science of mind and behavior | 9780077118365 | Michael Passer ... [et al.].

  • 4 The brain and behaviour

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  • Which ways are there to study the brain?

    Neuropsychological tests, destruction and stimulation techniques, electrical recording, brain imaging (CAT,MRI,PET)

  • What is electroencephalograph? (EEG)

    It measures the activity of large groups of neurons through a series of large electrodes placed on the scalp

  • What is functional MRI (fMRI)

    It can produce pictures of blood flow in the brain taken less than a second apart, we can watch different regions of the brain light up when participants perform particular tasks

  • Where is the medulla located and what does it do?

    It is a part of the brain stem and the first structure above the spinal cord. It plays an important role in vital body functions such as heart rate and respiration

  • Where do we find pons and what do they do?

    They lie just above the medulla and carry out nerve impulses between higher and lower levels of the nervous system. They also help to control vital functions, especially respiration.

  • Where is the cerebellum located and what does it do?

    It is attachted to the rear of the brain stem. It is concerned primarily with muscular movement co-ordination but it also plays a role in learning and memory. Specific motor movements are initiated in higher brain centres, but their timing and co-ordination depend on the cerebellum


  • With what does the reticular formation play a central role?

    Consciousness, sleep and attention

  • Where do we find the talamus and what does it do?  

    It is located above the midbrain and has sometimes been likened to a switchboard that organizes inputs from sensory organs and routes them to the appropriate areas of the brain. 

  • To what has the hypothalamus important connections and what is the result of this connection?

    To the endocrine system: the body's collection of hormone producing glands. The hypothalamus directly controls many hormonal secretions that regulate sexual development and behaviour, metabolism and reactions to stress.

  • Where do we find the limbic system  and what does it do?  

    Deep within the cerebral hemispheresn. It helps coordinate behaviours needed to satisfy motivational and emotional urges that arise in the hypothalamus. It it also involved in memory

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