The Evolution of Psychological Science - Review

47 important questions on The Evolution of Psychological Science - Review

____ created the view of philosophical ____ to explain that the mind is what the brain does

Hobbes; materialism

____ created the view of philosophical ___ to explain that perceptions of the physical world are the brains interpretation of information from the sensory organs

Kant; idealism

When Belle is looking at a painting in her local art museum, light is bouncing off the canvas and hitting her eye, and her brain uses only that information to produce her perception of that painting, according to the view of philosophical:

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When Blanche reads a book, light bounces off the page and hits her eye, and her brain uses that information, along with other information it has about the world, to produce her perception of that book, according to the view of philosophical:


Michael believes that when we are born, we are ready to learn about the world around us because we aren't born knowing anything at all. Michael's views seems to fit the idea of philosophical:


In the debate between empiricism and nativism, which side do most psychologists favour and why?

Nativism; because there are some things that are hard wired into our brains

___ focuses on what mental life is like, while ___ focuses on the study of what mental life is for

Structuralism; functionalism

William James's functional approach to psychology was influenced by Charles Darwin's theory of:

Natural selection

In class one day, your teacher shows you an apple and asks you to think about and record your feelings toward and perceptions of it. What method might your teacher be using?


Which group of psychologists did NOT develop their ideas in academic and laboratory settings


Candice was afflicted by a brief spell in which she was unaware of her own identity. Sigmund Freud would have believed that she was suffering from:


Lauren's therapist frequently asks her questions about her dreams and early childhood memories. Her therapist is MOST likely a(n) ___ psychologist.


Pavolv's brand of conditioning views organisms as ___, while Skinner's brand of conditioning views organisms as ___.

Passive; active

In Pavlov's classic experiment, the sound of a tone was the ___ that produced a(n) ___ of salivating in dogs, even in the absence of food.

Stimulus; response

A rat is being trained to learn its way through a complex maze. When the rat successfully makes its way through the maze, it receives water and food, and it runs faster next time. What psychological principle does this example illustrate?


Scientists like Jean Piaget and Kurt Lewin paved the way for ___ by renewing interests in mental events such as perception, memory, and judgments.

Cognitive psychology

Historical events such as Nazism and the Holocaust helped to shape which subdiscipline of psychology?

Social psychology

Noam Chomsky's rebuttal of BF Skinner's ideas on ___ helped to bring cognitive psychology to the forefront.


___ critique of behaviourism brought about its decline by using formal mathematical logic.

Noam Chomky's

Noam Chomsky believed behaviourism couldn't work because of how we learn:

Verbal language

The invention of the computer was a driving force in the emergence of ___ psychology.


Why was the advent of the computer so important for the development of cognitive psychology?

Psychologists surmised that the brain is roughly analogous to a computer and could be studied in a similar manner

Henry explains his irresponsible spending by speculating that he shares genes with ancestors who had no need to save for the future because their lives were brutish and short. Which field of psychology is MOST consistent with this view?

Evolutionary psychology

In the 19th Century, the French surgeon Paul Broca found that damage to the specific part of the left side of a patient's brain caused him to be unable to :

Generate meaningful speech

How does cognitive neuroscience differ from cognitive psychology?

Cognitive neuroscience attempts to link thinking to brain activity, while cognitive psychology focuses more on thinking

By utilizing brain scanning, cognitive neuroscientists can:

Observe and identify brain activity associated with specific tasks

Psychologists and ___ often exchange ideas to further the field of cultural psychology.


Although cognitive processes depend on the brain, humans (and their behaviours) are also a product of the environment. How does cultural psychology include this aspect?

It examines how behaviour is influenced by the cultural values, traditions, and beliefs shared by a group

Women currently make up approximately ___ of the membership of the APA and CPA


As of 2018, approximately ___ of the people receiving PhDs in psychology were women.


Today most people who call themselves psychologists are in the ___ subfield of psychology


Which type of psychologist deals with workplace issues such as assessing potential employees, improving productivity, or helping staff and management with planning?


Which degree would allow someone to be a counselling psychologist?

Doctorate in counseling psychology (PhD)

Which book, written by William James in 1890, is still widely read and considered one of the most influential texts in the field of social and behavioral sciences?

The Principles of Psychology

Philosophical realists believe perception is like a _____, while philosophical idealists believe perception is more like a _____

camera picture; painting

Helmholtz developed a technique that recorded the interval between the onset of a stimulus and a person's response to that stimulus, which he referred to as each person's:

reaction time.

Psychology was initially focused on _____ and analyzing the subjective feelings and thoughts of a person's experiences.


Freud's study of patients with hysteria was most useful for understanding:

The unconscious mind

Damon and Penny notice that their 8-year-old daughter is beginning to use sexually explicit profanity. The parents think that their daughter's friends might be rewarding her swearing with attention and laughter. Their thinking reflects a _____ perspective.


Your ability to see a continuous picture when watching a movie is actually the result of seeing several lights flashed one after another on a screen. This creates the appearance of motion from still pictures. This experience demonstrates the theories of:

Max Wertheimer

Social psychology examines issues such as conformity, racism, and stereotyping by

considering the effects of other people on a person's cognitive processes.

What two developments led psychologists away from behaviourism?

Psychologists surmised that the brain is roughly analogous to a computer and could be studied in a similar manner.

Evolutionary psychologists are like _____ in asking what the mind is for.


Richard is a psychologist interested in figuring out where learning takes place in the brain. He would probably describe himself as a:

Cognitive neuroscientist

While cognitive and behavioral neuroscience focus on _____, cultural psychology focuses on _____.

Biology; environment

What is TRUE about the proportion of PhDs in psychology earned by women?

It increased so much that now more women than men receive doctorates in the field.

To measure the otherwise unobservable mental processes of the mind, early psychologists applied the methods of _____ to study mental processes


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