Methods in Psychology - The Ethics of Science: Doing What's right

14 important questions on Methods in Psychology - The Ethics of Science: Doing What's right

In Canada, research involving humans or human tissue is covered by the _______

Tri-council Policy Statement (TCPS)

What are the core principles that human research must follow according to the Tri-council Policy Statement (TCPS)

1. Respect for persons
2. __________
3. Research should be just

2. Concern for welfare

What is meant by respect for persons according to the Tri-council policy statement?

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What is meant by concern for welfare according to the Tri-council policy statement?

Researchers must attempt to maximize the benefits to the participants and minimize the risks

What is meant by 'research should be just' according to the Tri-council policy statement?

Benefits and risks are equal for all participants without prejudice toward particular individuals or groups

The Canadian Psychological Association has a code of ethics that stipulates that research must have:
1) informed consent
2) ___ ____ ____
3) protection from harm
4) risk-benefit analysis
5) deception must be justifiable
6) debriefing
7) confidentiality

Freedom from coercion

When is a debriefing needed?

When deception was used in any way

How does the Canadian Psychological Association ensure compliance with their code of ethics?

Research that involves humans and animals must be reviewed by an ethics board before the study can commence.

What legal body is responsible for establishing the standards for ethical use of animals in research?

The Canadian Council on Animal Care (CCAC)

What is meant by Replacement (from the three R's)

Researchers must prove that there's no alternative to using animals and that their use is justified by the scientific or clinical value of the study.

What is meant by Refinement (from the three R's)

Procedures must be modified to minimize discomfort, infection, illness and pain

Who ensures that data is ethically analyzed?


Science works on the ____ system, which works because the results of one study become someone elses ____ _____.

Honour; Research Question

What three things are researchers obligated to include in published works?

- fully transparent report of procedure and results
- all the data
- fair acknowledgment of collaborators

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