Methods in Psychology - Empiricism: How to Know stuff

8 important questions on Methods in Psychology - Empiricism: How to Know stuff

How do psychologists answer the question: Why do people do what they do?

Be looking for relationships between things that are measured

What is a dogmatist?

Someone who tends to cling to their beliefs

What is a theory?

A hypothetical explanation for an natural phenomenon
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What makes a good theory?

They make specific predictions (hypotheses) about what we should observe if that theory is true

What is the rule of parsimony?

The simplest theory that explains all the evidence is best

What are the four steps in the scientific method?

1) develop theory
2) derive hypothesis
3) test hypothesis
4) use evidence to modify theories

What three qualities about humans make them hard to study?


What two kinds of methods are used to study people?

Methods of observation
Methods of explanation

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