Refresher on neuroanatomy and physiology

6 important questions on Refresher on neuroanatomy and physiology

How does the structure so far translate into function?

Phrenology as historical basis of structure -> function
Important lesion studies
  • Leborgne (Tan) Broca aphasia
  • Phineas Gage and the prefrontal cortex
  • Modern neuropsychology -> neuroplasticity  
  • Advancement of brain imaging techniques

Targetting a brain region

Example: amygdala has many connection through the brain
The complex structure -> function relationship means that pharmacological targets are involved in multiple functions.

Specific neurotransmitters: total number of neurons (100 billion)

  • Some are used y relatively few number neurons (<1%): Norepinephrine, dopamine, serotonine
  • Others are much more common (50% of synapses): GABA, Glu, Endocannabinoid receptores
  • Even though implicated in disorders/ effects of compounds
  • GABA: alcohol, sedatives, anxiolytics
  • Glu, NMDA: epilepsy, Huntington, schizophrenia

-> problem with specificity of drug target
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Specific neurotransmitters: precursors (where from)

- Voor de monoamines - catecholamines (dopamine, noradrenaline, adrenaline) en indolamines (serotonine) - komt de precursor voort uit tyrosine voor de catecholamines en tryptofaan voor serotonine.
- Voor de aminozuur neurotransmitters is de precursor typisch het aminozuur zelf, bijvoorbeeld glutamaat, glycine of GABA.
- Acetylcholine (ACh) wordt gesynthetiseerd uit acetyl-CoA en choline als voorlopers.
- Voor de neuropeptiden oxytocine en endorfine worden de precursors gevormd uit grotere eiwitten die in de cel worden geproduceerd en verwerkt tot de actieve neuropeptiden.

Specific neurotransmitters: ending NT activity (where to?)

Combinations of degradation (metabolism) in synapse and reuptake within the cell

For example:
  • ACh: degradation by extracellular enzyme AChE (then reuptake)
  • 5-HTL: reuptake
  • Peptides

What are G-protein-coupled receptors?

G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are a type of cell membrane receptor involved in signal transduction. They play a crucial role in transmitting signals from the external environment to the inside of the cell. GPCRs are important targets for various drugs due to their involvement in regulating various physiological functions such as vision, smell, and hormone regulation.
  1. Neurotransmitters binds to recepter activating G-protein
  2. G-Protein submits or intracellular messengers modulate channels

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