Clinical pharmology

7 important questions on Clinical pharmology

Treatment team mood disorders

  • Psychologist
  • System therapist
  • Psychiatrist
  • Nurses
  • Psychomotor therapist
  • Activity therapist
Medication is part of the treatment, especially in the absence of recovery

Wet Geneeskundige behandelovereenkomst (WGBO)

The patient decides
The practitioner advises

Treating anxiety disorder

The good news: all you need to do is increase serotonine (basically)
Treatment options:
Psychotherapy, EMDR
  • SSRIs
  • TCAs
  • Benzodiazepines: addictive, loses effectivity in time
  • MAO inhibiters
  • Buspiron
  • Pregabalin
  • Betablockers
  • Alphablockers
  • Higher grades + faster learning
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What are the stages involved in the development of a new medicine before it can be made available to patients?

- Target Identification and Validation
- Lead Compound Identification
- Preclinical Testing
- IND Submission
- Regulatory Review
- Phase 1 Clinical Trials
- Phase 2 Clinical Trials
- Phase 3 Clinical Trials
- Regulatory Submission
- Regulatory Review
- Regulatory Approval
- Phase 4 Clinical Trials
- Pharmacovigilance

Wat is de rol van de 'Investigational New Drug (IND) Application' in het ontwikkelingsproces van een nieuw medicijn?

- Indien preklinische studies succesvol zijn
- Indienen bij regelgevende autoriteiten
- Voorstel voor klinische proeven bij mensen

What are the most important conceptual bottle necks in the development of new medicines? What are the most important practical hindrances? And what are the financial hindrances?

- Conceptual bottle necks:
- Understanding brain mechanisms causing disorders
- Lack of disease models for certain conditions
- Practical hindrances:
- Poor pharmacokinetic properties
- Limited bioavailability of compounds
- Financial hindrances:
- High cost of drug development
- Challenges in securing funding

Describe the two most important reasons why most psychoactive substances exert both their main effect and unwanted side-effects.

- Non-specific binding leading to off-target effects
- Influence on multiple neurotransmitter systems causing diverse effects

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