L5 & L8: Issues in nutrition research 1 and

18 important questions on L5 & L8: Issues in nutrition research 1 and

What is the difficulty in choosing a control group with nutrition studies on macronutriënts?

It is possible to chose an isocaloric control group (same amount of calories of the functional compound) by for instance, choose carbohydrate as control to a protein active compound.

What is the difficulty in choosing a control compound for whole diet studies? What is often done in this occasion?

Blinding is not possible
placebo is not possible
imposible to not include the active compound in the control group

often the adherence is used as a control
The control group will often not get the advice of the whole diet, so will not adhere to this diet. This is then used as a control.

What is the difficulty of interpreting a result of a diet on a health outcome in cohort studies?

Often nutrients are associated with a higher or lower amount of kcal intake a day. Then its confounded by this kcal intake.
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If an increase in kcal intake a day would lead to higher coronary heart disease in cohort studies, how could this be explained?

A higher kcal intake might lead to higiher body weight, but this will lead to increase in coronary heart disease.
it might be due to people with higher kcal intake have a higher physical activity level, this leads to a decrease in coronary heart disease

What are advantages and disadvantages to RCT and prospective cohort studies?

RCT: real effect of compound to health outcome. You have control group.
Prospective cohort: real life effect, greater statistical power (more people)
a lot of confounding

What does nutritional status mean?

This depends on a complex interaction between food intake and its determinants. It gives an indication of the state of nourisment.
Nutritional status can range from undernourished to overnourished

Why should we measure nutritional status? Name 4 reasons

- to measure the effect of an intervention
- to rank people according to status and link to health outcomes
- identify people at risk
- we use indicators to make health interventions

What 5 types of nutritional status measures are there?

Anthropometry and body composition
Clinical measures and bodily functions
Dietary assessment and intake
Energy expenditure and physical activity

How do you investigate the diet-health relationship?

We want to know what type of intake will relate to the health outcome. To do this we can also measure an indicator (biomarker) of the intake of a specific compound, but we can also measure an indicator of a disease/risk.

What is the benefit of measuring biomarkers in longitudinal studies next to diet?

Diet is complex and can change over time. Its challenging to measure the long term effect of diet if it changed so much.
In longitudinal studies, we can use validated questionnaires to measure the dietary intake of the people.
With dietary assessment tools, its prone to misreporting. Random error can easily occur because the day-today intake varies a lot.

Name 2 self-reported retrospective dietary assessment tools

Food frequency questionnaire (FFQ)
24-hour recalls

Name 2 prospective dietary assessment tools

Food diaries
weighed food records

What do you have to take into account when using dietary assessment tools to collect data about peoples diet?

dietary assessment tools are prone to misreporting. Random error can easily occur because the day-today intake varies a lot.
Its best to report over multiple days and take the average of this to get a good estimate of the average intake.
We can also include more people when we want to know the population average

What is a random error and a systematic error in nutritional assessment methods?

Random error: because day-to-day diet varies a lot. You can take the average of multiple days or more people to tackle this.
Systematic error: Underreporting and overreporting and underestimating portion sizes
You can ask to weight the portion sizes to more accurately know. But it can be burdonsome.

What 2 type of biomarkers are being used in nutritional research? Give 3 examples of both.

Biomarker of intake:
- protein: nitrogen in 24h urine sample. Its not always suitable to use, its invasive measure and only from last 24 hours.
- folate: blood serum folate levels: good reflection of 24 hour intake
- vitamin D: blood plasma of 25(OH)D levels (not valid for dietary vitamin D intake)
biomarker of disease   
- plasma fasting glucose levels
- plasma cholesterol/triglycerides

What is the benefit of using biomarkers for diseases as endpoint in stead of the disease?

can be used when the disease itself takes a long time to develop
and can take a long follow up time

What are two advantages of using the FFQ?

- Can give a good representation of the mean food intake of the last month
-  good tool to use in large study as it has a lower burden for the researcher and subject

What are two disadvantages of using the FFQ?

- recall bias
- not suitable for cross-country studies
- restricted to items that are on the questionnaire

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