Summary: Public Management | Six

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Read the summary and the most important questions on Public Management | Six

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  • Which 3 governance logics and linked mechanisms can you distinguish

    market - price
    hierarchie - autonomy
    network - trust
  • How does NPM emphazises his citizens?

    As clients. public sector needs to respond on their needs in an efficient and cost- effective way
  • Name some differences between public and private sector

    - Managers are less materialistic
    - motivation to serve public interest is higher
    - public managers have weake organization commitment
  • What does Nordic Welfare state mean?

    Believe in the central state as controller. Formal rules are there to ensure equal treatment to all citizens
  • Which changes can you see when you implement NPM?

    - Public sector becomes more competitive
    - Fairness discourse has to be adopt from private sector
    - re-regulation , not deregulation
  • What does Hollow state means?

    This is a metaphor for the increasing use of third parties, often non- profits, to deliver social services and generally act in the name of the state
  • What is a public enterprise?

    A business organization wholly or partly owned by the state and controlled throught a public authority 
  • Name the most important things to measure performance according to Behn

    - improve
    - control
    - evaluate
    - motivate
    - learn
    - celebrate
  • Name the most important things to measure performance according to de Bruijn

    Appraising (beoordelen)
  • Name the elements to measure performance management

    - decide norm
    - decide indicatiors - > input throughput output and outcome
    - measure indicators
    -compare norm and indicators
    - make jugdment
    - inplement consequences
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