Analysis: Principles and processes - Formal analysis - key features of different approaches

9 important questions on Analysis: Principles and processes - Formal analysis - key features of different approaches

What is substansive approach?

Concerns capturing and interpreting meanings in data, focused on what the text says

What is a structional/constructionist approach?

Focus on language and the construction or structure of talk, text and interaction in what the text does

In what kind of approaches is structional/constructionist approach used?

Discourse analysis, narrative analysis
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Why are  lables used and in what forms?

To categorize. It is used as in codes, concepts, categories or themes

What are discriptive codes?

Shows the top, only surface features - analytical codes

What are cross-sectional methods of labelling?

Researchers devised an overall and common system of labels which is applied across the whole data set and used for searching and retrieving similarities in labelling units

What are derived categories?

Entities that can be conceptualised and transformed into variables that will vary in relation to other phenomena.

What is quasi-variable approach?

Certain variables (demographic) are used in combination with conceptual categories developed in the analysis to inverstigating patterns within the case

Lofland argues that qr cannot produce the kind of causal explanations possible in expertimental or statistical research. What are the four other models he suggest to identify factors that could have led to particular outcome?

- contextual model
- case comparative model
- process model
- nagative case model

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