The applications of qualitative research - the functions of qualitative research

6 important questions on The applications of qualitative research - the functions of qualitative research

What  are the functions of social research?

- contextual
- explanatory
- evaluative
- generative

What is the contextual functions of social research?

Describe form or nature of what exist --> descriptive research

What is the explanatory function of social research?

Reasons for what exists and influences that drive them, why
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What is the evaluative function of social research?

Assessing effectivity of what exists, how well do things work. --> integral research

What are the two types of evaluation?

1. Formative evaluation - info that will help to change/improve programme/system
2. Summative evaluation - concerned with impact of an intervention (effective.outcomes)

What is the generative function of social research?

Development of theories and strategies (to help) with PAR

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