Nature and Sources of International Law - Sources of international law - IL Gleider H. Article 38 of the Statue of the International Court of Justice
12 important questions on Nature and Sources of International Law - Sources of international law - IL Gleider H. Article 38 of the Statue of the International Court of Justice
If a conflict emerges between applicable (toepasselijk) legal rules, it can be resolved on the basic of guiding principles such as?
More recent law prevails over an inconsistent earlier law (lex posterior derogat priori).
What is customary IL?
What are the two elements of custom?
- Material element: actual practice of States in relations (called usus of usages)
- Subjective element: belief of States that that behaviour is law (opinio juris sive necessitatis an opinion as to law or necessity.
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Elements of custom: what intensity is required? What is the courts point of view?
What are he requirements for a 'general practice'?
"State practice of particular significance is to be found in the judgments of national courts faced with the question whether a foreign State is immune, the legislation of those States which have enacted States dealing with immunity, the claims to immunity advanced by States before foreign courts and the statements made by States."
The particular relevance of certain States in the formation of a customary rule has been recognized by the ICJ in North Sea Continental Shelf, where the Court noted?
What does the relativity of custom means?
- persistent objection in relation to a new rule
- subsequent objection, in relation to a change in an existing rule; and the possibility of
- regional, bilateral, or otherwise localized forms of custom.
Mean the rule is inopposable (ineffective) in respect of a State that has availed itself of the exception.
What is Persistent and subsequent objection?
Subsequent objector, conversely, has adhered to an original rule, but objects to proposed changes to that rule.
Persistent and subsequent objection are rare in practice.
Custom has a number of disadvantages in relation to treaties. Which?
In the North Sea Continental the Court had to consider?
What happens if a treaty comes into being which covers the same ground as a customary rule?
What are the subsidiary sources of international law?
- Judicial decisions
- Writings of the most eminent publicists
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