The Law of Treaties - IL Gleider H. The scope of treaty obligations
6 important questions on The Law of Treaties - IL Gleider H. The scope of treaty obligations
There is one exception to the pacta tertiis rule under art. 38 VCLT, what exception?
Does art. 36 VCLT require written consent?
What is the primary means of a treaty interpretation?
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There a three common aims of the process of treaty interpretation
- First approach: objective approach aims to discern the objective meaning of the actual text of a treaty provision and emphasize textuality or the analysis of the words used.
- Second approach: subjective approach peek between the text itself and look to the intentions of the parties to an agreement as a mean to resolve any ambiguities: this is often termed a
- Third approach: teleological or purposive approach and emphasizes the object and purpose of a treaty as the foundations against which the meaning of any specific provision should be understood.
What does the supplementary means of treaty interpretation?
The principle of effectiveness can only be invoked to give effect ti provisions in accordance with the intentions of the parties. And in conformity with IL. There seem to be two areas of IL in which it has proven to be relevant, which two areas?
- When the treaty operates as the constitutive instrument of an international organization.
- The principle of the dynamic interpretation of treaties used notably by the ECtHR. The ECtHR's interpretation of the ECHR could be seen as a form of lex specialis in relation to human rights regimes, or could be seen as a strongly teleological interpretation based on the object and purpose of the treaty.
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