Design components arable cropping: growing a healthy crop - Rotations as a basis for healthy crops

7 important questions on Design components arable cropping: growing a healthy crop - Rotations as a basis for healthy crops

What does arable farming involve?

Decisions about which crop types to grow and how to manage them in relation to various objectives

What is a traditional farming method for maintaining the soil resource?

Rotation of crops in time and space

What is crop rotation?

A more or less fixed pattern in the succession of crops on a certain field. Component crops, frequency of occurrence of each crop and the crop sequence all affect the yielding ability of the entire rotation as well as of ech individual crop
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What is physical fertility?

Is affected by each crop, the type and timing of cropping practices in each crop and the measures taken during fallow periods to improve physical fertility or to control weed populations

What is extremely important for physical fertility?

The hydrology of the site as well as short-term and long-term effects of management practices related to soil and water use

What is chemical fertility?

Is affected by ferilizer and manure application

What is biological soil fertility?

In general it can be stated that the higher the frequecy of crops that act as a host for the same soil-borne pest or pathogen, the larger the damage due to this organism, even though not all crops may be sensitive, i.e. react to attack with yield loss

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