Natural pest suppresion potential by ecological networks - The green-blue veining approach of Steingrover et al

5 important questions on Natural pest suppresion potential by ecological networks - The green-blue veining approach of Steingrover et al

What are robust elements?

Relatively stable elements, which allow species of natural enemies to persist over time. Funcion as a source area from which natural enemies disperse into the landscape and colonize other landscape elements. Aso contain resources which the natural enemies can use to supplement their diet.

What are the fine elements?

Are to small, have a low quality or exist to briefly for the natural enemies to survive for a long time. Therefore these elements only have a supplement function and no source function

What are examples of robust elements?

Patches of forest
Plantings on the yard
Wide road verges
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What are examples of fine elements?

Canal sides
Field margins
Small road verges

What are the 3 steps to assess the functionng of the green-blue veining network on a farm?

1 - Make an inventory of the natural and semi-natural landscape elements on the farm and assess their quality
2 - Determine the zone of influence of the robust elements to provde natural enemies (supply function)
3 - Determine the zone of influence of the small and robust elemnts to provde additional resources (supplement function)

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