Design components dairy farming: Breed and Feed - Dairy cow nutrition

8 important questions on Design components dairy farming: Breed and Feed - Dairy cow nutrition

Where can cows contain most of their energy and nutrients from?

From roughages containing fibres

What are the 4 stomachs of a cow?

- Rumen (pens)
- Reticulum (netmaag)
- Omasum (boekmaag)
- Abomasums (lebmaag)

What is the function of the rumen?

- Feed particle size reduction
- Microbial fermentation
- Absoption of fermentation products
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What is the function of the reticulum"?

- Microbial fermentation
- Passage

What is the function of the omasom?

Fluid extraction

What is the function of the abomasum?

Nutrient uptake

Where does the actual availablity of energy and nutrients depend on?

The conent of these components in the feed and the amount of feed taken in by the animal

What are the important nutrient demands?

- Structural material to stimulate the rumen function

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