Design components arable cropping: growing a healthy crop - Choosing crops as farm components - Feed crops

30 important questions on Design components arable cropping: growing a healthy crop - Choosing crops as farm components - Feed crops

What are good indicators if an animal needs more energy or protein?

The condition of animals and the protein and urea content of milk

What is dry matter uptake?

Is related to requirements of animals and palatability and digestibility of feed

When does dry matter intake increase?

When roughage is partly repleced by pre-processed and quickly digestable concentrates
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How much of the dry matter contents is produced in the Netherlands?

Only 20%

What are temporary pastures?

Aire maintaned for 2-4 years and then re-established in another field as part of the crop rotation

What are the benefits of temporary vs. permanent pastures?

Temporary pastures have a higher dry matter production and the botanical composition of temporary sward can be influenced by sowing apprecieated varieties and species

How can loss of production after sowing can be prevented?

By sowing the temporary pasture under a cover crop such as wheat

What are the benefits of temporary pasture?

Animal parasites cannot survive a period of arable cropping
Number of weed seeds will decrease during the period of grazing

What are the benefits of grass clover?

Grazed continiously or mowed several times per year, smothers weeds and accumulates a substaintion amount of organic matter in the soil. Nitrogen fixation is high

What are the downsides of grass clover in temporary pasture?

Clover contents may increase to very high levels, and high clover content goes together with high protein in feed.  (It can be avoided with combination of continious grazing and applying liquid manure).

What are the benefits of permanent pasture?

Gives the opportunity to plant hedges and trees that contribute to biodiversity and that give some shelhter to animals on hot or windy days.
SOM content is higher

How to avoid flushed of nitrigen after ploughing out permanent pasture?

Permanent pastures may be tilled superficially and re-sown regularly. In that way organic matter coentnt and botanical composition can be managed

What is the best crop to open and to explore the subsoil of claye and loamy soils with a deep water table?


When should lucerne be sown?

In spring or August. When sown in spring preferably under a cover crop (like flax) that leaves enough water to the plants to survive the summer

What are benefits of maize?

Less often affected by dieases

When does the nitrogen uptake in maize start?

In late spring, benefitting from the mineral nitrogen that has accumulated in soil during late winter and early spring

How can leaching of nitrate after harvest of maize be avoided?

By undersowing a winter-hardy catch crop like italian rye grass or grass clover

How are the yields of maize?

Usually high and low protein

How is weed control managed in maize?

Needs more time and attention then grains but can be controlled completely

When do cereals need nitrogen uptake?

Early in the season, cereals are ablye to recycle nitrogen from the subsoil and extract nearly all minerral nitrogen from soil profile

When can cereals be sown?

From late summer till spring

How can leeching during winter be reduced?

By sowing a mixture of white cover and winter cereals in late summer, reduces the transfer of dieases as well

When do winter cereals give high yields?

- If nitrate retention capacty of soil is high and enough nitrogen is reeleased from SOM and crop residues
- If additionam fertilizer is applied in spring

What is another strategy to increase nitrogen availability?

Mixed cropping with pulses, pulses fic nitrogen and more of mineralisesd nitrogen is left in soil for cereals. PRotein content of cereals in increased by mixed cropping

What are the benefits of faba beans?

Fix substantial amouts of nitrogen and have a very possitive effect on soil structure and soil fertility

What are the management practices of faba beans?

Can be sown in winter and develop into a lush crop without fertlisation

What are the disadvantages of faba beans?

Susceptible to severe frost, drought and some diseases

What are the benefits from fodder beet?

Improve the structure of the soil

What are the benefits from fodder beet as animal feed?

Contains suger which cows like very much, total feed uptake can increase if beets are inlcuded. Contain a lot of easiliy digestable energy

What are the effects of an excess of beets?

May cause an acidification of the rumen content resulting in less feed uptake and a distrubed composition of proteins in the rumen

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