Natural pest suppresion potential by ecological networks - Introduction

7 important questions on Natural pest suppresion potential by ecological networks - Introduction

What is an important condition factor for pest supresiveness and pest management?

Diversification of landscapen at different spatial scales

How is an ecological network defined?

A set of ecosystems of one type, linked into a spatially coherent system through flow of organisms, and interaction with the landscape matrix in which it is embedded

Where do networks consist of?

- Woody vegatation
- Herbal vegetation
- Water elements
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What is woody vegetation?

Small patches of forest, hedgerows, lines of trees and plantings on yard

What is herbal vegetation?

Edges of canals, road verges, grass strips and field margins

What is water elements?

Canals, creeks, and ponds

What is shown about lanscapes with a high-density of green-blue veining?

Contain more natural enemies and less pest animals, indicating that the presence of the network indeed contributes to pest surppession

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