Design components dairy farming: Breed and Feed - Manure: from waste product to farm asset

4 important questions on Design components dairy farming: Breed and Feed - Manure: from waste product to farm asset

Why is nutrient cycling crucial?

To keep the farming system functioning and to maintain productuvity of crops and animals with low dependence on external outputs

Where does the amount of solid manure produced depend on?

Digestibility od the diet, which is defined as the difference between intake and excretion of dry matter

What are the advantages and disadvantage sof surface application of manure?

Increases the changes of emission to air and also can lead to smothering of the grass and lower palatability by the animals
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What are the advantages and disadvantages of shallow injection into the soil?

Tends to reduce direct NH3 voltiliztion losses, but enahces propability of nitrate leaching or denitrification and subsequent voloatization of N2- dependent on the soil conditons.
Can damage the grass sward and can increase compaction of the soil

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