Design components arable cropping: growing a healthy crop - Choosing crops as farm components - Food and cash crops

20 important questions on Design components arable cropping: growing a healthy crop - Choosing crops as farm components - Food and cash crops

How are food crops usually chosen?

Baden on preference, gross margin and possibilities for weed control

Which winter crops can be grown in west-central France?

Winter wheat, winter rape, triticale plus peas, faba beans and garlic

Which summer crops can be grown in west-central France?

Flax, sunflowe, buckwheat, maize, pumpkins, quinoa, chickpeas, lentils and onions for seed production
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What are the benefits of rape seed, flax and sunflower?

Widen the crop rotation dominated bt grasses and cerals and may reduce the risks of soil borne diseases

What are the management practices of rape?

Sown in augst/september, needs a fertile soil in early spring and needs a preceding crop that leaves much nitrogen in its residues or additional fertilization in early spring. Rape is a strong competitor for weeds and a favourable preceding crop for winter wheat

What are the managemetn practices of flax?

Price is high, has to be sown in early spring, not easily affected by pests and diseases. Fits in a crop rotation dominated by winter crops and summer crops that are sown in late spring

What are the management practices of sunflower?

Sown in april in low plant density. Strong crop with weakness just after emergtense (snails, slugs, pigeans hares, the all like seedling and if the temperature is low so that the growth is slow, many plants may be lost

What are the management practices of pumpkins?

Easy to grow but have to be harvested by hand an be treated with care during storage. Sown in may and individual plants are given much space so that they can find enough water in the soil to keep crowing during the summer

What are the nitrogen demands of pumpkin?

REquirements fit with the nitrogen released from SOM

How is the weed management of pumpkin?

Can be contolled mechanically when the crop is young and later the pumpkins are strong competitors

Why is quinoa appreciated by coconsumers?

Because of its special taste and texture and its nutritional value

What are the benefits of quinoa for farmers?

High prices

What are the disadvantages for quinoa?

If sown early control of weeds is difficult
If sown late ripening might start to late

What are the management practices for onions for seed production?

Planted in spring, far of onion regions to avoid transfer of pests and diseases. Wide spacing helps the plant to find sufficient water and nutrients during summer. The flowering, filling and ripening takes much time

What are the management practices for garlic?

Planted in spetmber, difficult weed control. Gross margin and labour requirements are high

What are the management practices of buckwheat?

Plants grow quicly,  does relatively well on low-fertility or acidic soil but the soil must be well drained. To much nitrogen will reduce yields

How does buckwheat grow?

Does not grow well on compacted soil

What happens when buckwheat is sown?

The soil alreadt has relatively fertile, because stimulated by high soil temperaturs biological miniralizaton has released nitrogen, phosphorus and suplhate during the period the field was bare

What is a benefit from buckwheat?

It's almost free of pests and diseases

What are the key words on chickpeas and lentils?

Sow on roughly cultivated seed bed, well-drained soil, drought resistant, not too much soil nitrogen to avoid a too lush growth. They fix nitrogen and can be grown without additional fertilizersation. Bowth crops are prone to lodging and are peferebly grown together with another crop to keep the pods from coming in contact with the soil

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