Introduction to Media Planning

5 important questions on Introduction to Media Planning

Summarize the preplanning steps of a Media planning:

First their is a Marketing problem-> then a situation analyses -> Marketing strategy plan -> Creative strategy plan -> these 3 will lead to a Media planning. But the problem can lead to all 3 directly.

What are the media objectives in a media plan?

The goals that a media planner believes are most important in helping attain marketing objectives. Which targets are most important, how many have to be reached, and where concentrated at what times. They form the basis for media strategies: series of actions selected from several possible alternatives to best achieve the media objectives. After the strategy is determined, the implementation of the media plan begins.
For questions that lead to media objectives look table 1-4.

Which principles are important when Planners choosing a vehicles?

1. Whichs effectively reach the target audience prospects
2. With an optimum amount of frequency
3. At the lowest cost per thousand impressions
4. with a minimum of waste
5. within a specified budget.

These principles apply most when selecting vehicles for mass-produced and mass-consumed products such as food, clothing, or automobiles.
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What does rich media means"?

Media that includes streaming video, audio, animated cursor, and so on.

What is a con of online media research?

One of the consequences of being the most measurable medium is that the internet ends up as the medium with the most measures. The planner must decide which one is most usefull.

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