Selecting media classes

15 important questions on Selecting media classes

What are intramedia comparisons?

comparisons among media vehicles in the same class, such as among magazine a, b, and c.

What are the pros and cons of Newspapers as media class?

- sence of immediacy
- local emphasis
- flexibility, fast, up-to-date
-large reach
- much information
- authority/believable
- regional targeting possible


- lack of target audience selectivity
- high cost
- limited coverage
- higher national advertising rates
- small pass-along audience
- variation in ROP color quality
- short lifespan

What are the pros and cons of Magazines?

- selectivity
- acces to light tv viewers
- fine color reproduction
- long life
- pass-along audience
- controlled circulation

-early closing dates
- lack of immediacy, slow and inflexible
- slow building of reach
-  dependent on individual sales.
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What are the pros and cons of Newspaer supplements?

- Local market impact with magazine format
- good color fidelity
- depth of presentation
- broadened coverage area
- less competition on sundays
- high readership
- flexibility

- little pass-along or secondary readership
- no demographic selectivity
- limited readership
- high cost

What are the pros and cons of television?

- sight, sound, and motion for dynamic selling
- flexibility
- reach of both selective and mass markets
- cost-efficiency

- high cost
-low attention
- DVR commercial skipping
- Short-lived messages
- High commercial loads (clutter)
- No catalog value

What are the pros and cons of cable tv?

- National audience
- added reach and frequency
- relatively low cost
- less susceptible to DVR recording
- Precisely defined target audiences
- Broader spectrum of advertisers
- Reduced total and average spending costs

- Framented audiences
- less than full national coverage

What are the pros and cons of producht placement TV?

- less expensive than paid commercial advertising
- not overtly presented as advertising
- implied endorsement by entertainment characters using the placed product
- ability to select program environment consistent with product's image

- lack of control by the advertiser
- limited communication value
- variable exposure time
- Obsolescence

What are the pros and cons of Radio"?

- Reach of narrow demographic target audiences
- High frequency
- supporting medium
- excellent for mobile populations
- high summer exposure
- flexibility
- geographic flexibility
- active medium
- low cost

- many stations in one market
- no catalog value
- low attentiveness for some formats

What are the pros and cons of internet display?

- Low cost corporate legitimacy
- great creative flexibility
- precise targeting by behavior, geography, timing, or other factors
- a great many ways to evaluate alternative sites
- supplemental information
- easy documentation of effectiveness
- low-cost marketing research tool

- High cost to achiebe adequate reach
- Constantly changing medium
- Lack of consistent research
- conflict between interent sales and traditional sales channes
- low response rate
- limited penetration

What are the pros and cons of sponsored search?

- proven interest in product or service
- direct link to advertisers website
- two-line sales message
- complete response metrics

- rrequires target interst
- requires active management of buy due to auction-based pricing
- requires previous knowledge of the advertiser
- Plain text only - no graphics, logo or picture
- No exclusivity- side by side appearance with competition

What are the pros and cons of Mobile advertising?

- Most personal marketing channel available
- measurable for return on investment purposes
- permission-based opt-in
- opportunity to reach consumers on the road prior to retail store purchase
- ability to deliver coupons with a upc code

- Small screen size limits creativity
- slow network speed
- lack of standards across carriers and platforms
- success of the medium depends on the primary carriers
- privacy

What are the pros and cons of direct mail?

- easy verifaction of response
- personal quality
- flexibility
- long life for certain mailings
- potential savings

- high cost
- inaccurate and incomplete lists
- variance in delivery dates
- clutter and consumer resistance

What are the pros and cons of outdoor advertising

Pros:- Wide coerage of local markets
- high frequency
- low CPM
- Largest print ad avialable
- Geographic flexibility
- high summer visibility
- aroun the clock exposure
- simple copy theme and package identification
- mass coverage of metropolitan area

- limited to simple messages
- no guarantee of high recall
- high out-of-pocet cost
- limited availability in upscale neighborhoods

What are the pros and cons of transit media?

- mass coverage of a metropolitan area
- high frequency
- realtive efficiency
- flexibility-
- Oppurtunity to position messages to consumers on the way to their points of purchase

- limited message space
- High competition form other media and personal activities
- frequent insepction

What are pros and cons of out-of-Home-video?

- additional brand exposure
- flexibility
- sight and motion
- build reach
- highly targeted
- production efficiency

- lack of standardizzed research across all venues
- availability varies market-by-market and within markets
- limited reach potential
- fragmentation of suppliers
- proof of play and proof of performance reporting varies by supplier
- Complex creative production due to multiple suppliers and venues.

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