Principles of planning media strategy

8 important questions on Principles of planning media strategy

Will media strategies that have advantages over competitors always succeed?

Not necessarily. Other factors- lower prices, good distribution, or better quality - also play a role in determining succes.

Why should you advertise when people are buying?

When large numbers of consumers are buying the competition's brand at a certain time of the year, that is usually a good time for you to sell your brand. The combined effect of all the advertisers will boost awareness of the product category, to the benefit of all advertisers.

What is meant by an investment spending strategy?

A strategy in which the planner believes more money will return more in sales than the smaller budget.
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When a product's price is reduces, which three elements can affect the consumer then?

Price, communcation method, and media choice.
price: Price reduction must be so that in motivates the impact on the consumer.
communication: your add must be noticeable and has audience appeal.
media choice: Media work best when combined with a motivating force-like price reduction- and an attractive message placed in a strong medium.

What is meant by the planning target and a buying target?

The planning target is usually stated in terms of users or purchasers of the product as reported by research. It can be used to select print vehicles because MRI will tell the planner how many 'regular golfers' for example read various magazines.
But broadcast media are bought only on the basis of age and sex demographics.
Therefore a buying target - that is, a target categorized by age and sex demographics - must also be defined.
for example: planning target is: female homemakers in households that use frozen pizza. your buying target is then women from 25-54.

What is meant by heavy-up scheduling?

That most planners spend more on advertising when consumer buying is heaviest and spend less at other times. Advertisment then show more quality based adverse to show a brand's superiority over others.

What is meant by share of voice (SOV)?

In developing a competitive media strategy, the most common, if most simplistic, measures is share of voice (SOV) expressed as percent of dollars spent. knowing that our brand spent 30 mil out of a total category spending of  150 mil = 20% SOV.

But: a crude mesure because they do not tell us how they affect the many important marketing variables.

What is meant by channel planning?

The process of balancing trade-offs and determining which media are the best for a given product and set of marketing objectives. 

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