Is green growth possible? J. Hickel
23 important questions on Is green growth possible? J. Hickel
What is green growth?
When did green growth begin and why?
Which 3 proponents (voorstanders) of green growth are there at the international level?
- The OECD
- United Nations environmnet program (UNEP)
- World bank
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What is the promise of green growth?
What is the conventional metric for measuring an economy’s resource use?
What indicates the resource efficiency of an economy?
What is absolute decoupling?
Why is DMC a problematic indicator?
How can countries achieve relative decoupling and still have a big material foodprint? (recoupling)
What is the material foodprint?
What is the global historical trend of relative decoupling?
What are the future projectories for decoupling?
- One argument is that resource intensity will diminish as economies shift from manufacturing to services, however this is not true because services require significant amounts of materials + income aquired from selling services is used to purchase resource intensive goods.
- Another argument is that technological innovations and government policy might drive decoupling in the future
Why will improving resource efficiency not be enough?
What could be a good step toward green growth?
What is the argument pro green growth regarding to the studies?
Why does green growth not work on high-income nations?
What happens when the physical limits of resouce use are being reached?
What is the challenge for green growth regarding carbon emissions?
Tell something about the IPPC scenarios in regard to BECCS
The RCP scenarios rely on BECCS (bioenergy with carbon capture and storage) to the point of achieving negative emissions. BECCS relies on growing large tree plantations, harvesting the biomass, burning it for energy, capturing CO2 undergound. (negative emission technologies).
Why is BECCS controversial?
What are the concerns regarding BECCS?
- The viability of power generation with CCS has never been proven to be economically viable/scalable: it would require the construction of 15000 facilities.
- The scale of biomass assumed by the AR5 scenarios would require plantations covering two to 3 times the size of India (land availability issues/competition with food production/biodiversity loss)
- The necessary storage capacity may not exist.
What are alternative pathways for meeting the Paris agreement targets without relying on widespread use of negative emissions technologies?
- Global population peaks at 8.4 billion in 2050 and declines to 6.9 billion by 2100
- Meat consumption declines 80% by 2050
- All new cars and airplanes are efficient from 2050
- The world shift to most efficient technologies for steel and cement production
Why won’t the theoretical green growth model work in practice?
- Technological development causes economic growth and growth in consumption. The more efficiently an economy uses resources, the more it grows, and the more resources it ends up consuming.
- The total labour or energy that has gone into the production of a good, cannot be measured, and therefore the price of a good/service can’t be measured. We therefore don’t have a theroy of value that allows us to determine wheater vaue can be absolutely decoupled from throughput.
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