Stage 3: Communicating and Classifying Service Failures

6 important questions on Stage 3: Communicating and Classifying Service Failures

How is organizational learning defined?

As the capacity or processes within an organization to maintain or improve performance based on experience.

What are the 4 explanations for this failure?

  1. Employees showed little interest in hearing the customer to describe  the details of the problem.
  2. Many employees and managers devoted their energies to avoiding responsibility for the problem, instead blaming the customer for the failure.
  3. Numerous complaints were never resolved.
  4. Firms appeared to have no systematic way to collect and distribute complaint information to the individuals responsible for the process that failed.

What are complaint forms?

Internal documents used to recored service failures, including documentation of service guarantees that have been invoked.
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What is the purpose of the complaint form?

To facilitate organizational learning and ensure that the complaint is brought to a fair conclusion.

Why should an employee report a complaint?

Meeting the challenge requires involving front-line employees in the management of quality and customer satisfaction and rewarding rather than punishing complaint reporting.

What are the 2 reasons why tracking who has complained is helpful?

  1. An effectieve service-recovery effort can generate high levels of satisfaction, however subsequent service failures can undo the goodwill generated by a successful recovery.
  2. A customer who complains frequently or is never satisfied with recovery efforts may be the "wrong customer". These customers may be seeking benefits not provided by the company, may require more resources to serve than profit generated, or may simply be criminals.

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