Stage 2: Resolving Customer Problems - Strategies for Recovering Successfully - Hiring, Training, and Empowerment

3 important questions on Stage 2: Resolving Customer Problems - Strategies for Recovering Successfully - Hiring, Training, and Empowerment

Where must the design of a recovery system focus on?

On the initial contact and on developing policies that enable employees to resolve the complaint efficiently.

What kind of training programs support the implementation of a fair recovery plan?

Training programs that include learning how to strengthen interpersonal skills and that provide a detailed knowledge of company complaint procedures.

Which 3 fairness dimensions does providing employees with the authority to respond to service failures strongly affect?

  1. Employees' attitudes to improve and their efforts to increase when they are given the power to resolve problems.
  2. The speed and convenience of the process are enhanced when employees can act immediately rather than having to seek out a manager or another department to respond to the problem.
  3. Outcome fairness improves the employees to have the flexibility to provide the appropriate compensation, based on the customer's circumstances and requirements.

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