Demarcating Regional Boundaries

10 important questions on Demarcating Regional Boundaries

What would be the optimal boundaries for a planning region?

a region that contains:

- the area that approximates the full extent of the problem
- the area that encompasses the complete scope of legislative and administrative power that the planners expect to use.

What are the three points that are summed up in 'knowing about regions' in relation to defining regions?

- regions are unique spatial units, since they are created where they did not exist before
- regions are mental constructs: eventhough they often use natural phenomena, they are the thinking product of those who have an interest in this entity)
- a planning region derives from the need to fulfill planning purposes in a particular territory.

What are the four modes of defining regions? + keywords

1. referential mode: describing according to feature, e.g. boreal region
2. appraisive mode: identify areal problems e.g. air pollution
3. prescriptive mode: area necessary to perform prescribed actions to solve problems. Main planning mode. e.g. fraser basin managment program.
4. optative mode: express aspiration for regions. To invoke for people to think mre expansive about regional issues. E.g. Edmonton-Calgary Region
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What types of regions are derived from substantive theory and which from procedural theory?

substantive (inhoudelijk):
1. uniform regions (attributes that make area significantly different from others)
2. nodal regions (relationships of a node with surroundings)
3. non-homogenous regions (land use)

procedural :

1. existing administrative regions

Which two regions are defined within normative planning theory?

- development regions (functional relations larger territory: economic)
- bioregions (holistic view , diversity of aspects that define area, often defined by watersheds)

What four dimensions (effects) of boundary setting should be taken into account when defining a region?

1. Spatial Inclusiveness : by including you also exclude things (Can be problems but also resources.

2. Substantive Focus: by setting a boundary the substantive focus of the region is also defined. Planning is specialized for that substantive area.

3. Value Orientation: since planning is substantive and normative you also implicitly state certain values for a region (e.g. harmony nature and humans).

4. Time Perpective: by setting boundaries you should consider that circumstances can change over time, and thus these boundaries should be flexible.

Draw the figure of the two dialects of defining a planning region

nature/city (which region)
functional/territorial (whose region)

What are the major issues/characteristics of Canadian resource development planning regions? (3)

- primacy for defining boundaries is watershed
- often: does not collide with existing political boundaries --> have to be created
- competition with exisiting jurisdictions --> need for political compromise

What are the major characteristics and issues for Metropolitan regional planning in Canada? (4)

- boundaries almost Always defined according to boundaries of consituent municipalities.
- municipalities are necessary for implementing (landuse) policies) and data aggregation.
- usual seen as nodal regions, extend defined by spread of effects generated by the city.
- challenge is reach of boundaries: how far, power beyond own region.

What are the main characteristics of Regional Economic Planning regions in Canada? (3)

- boundaries were based on statistical units
- mainly used in programs 1960s/1970s; areas with big differences became economic planning regions
- appraisive regions that resulted in bureaucratic arrangements: programming regions.

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