Microwave remote sensing - The spectral preprocessing chain

4 important questions on Microwave remote sensing - The spectral preprocessing chain

External errors due to? What is used for them?

Platform perturbations and the influence of the atmosphere, characteristics of the remotely sensed object. Atmpspheric correction and geometrical correction. 

What is a DN?

Digital number. (Landsat, NOAA-AVHRR) A measure for the strength of an electrical crrent which is produced by a light-sensitive cell. 

Which pathways can the sunlight take to reach the sensor?

Direct reflected light, Skylight (photons scattered by the atmosphere and reflected by the earth), Airlight (photons scattered by the atmosphere) -> the summed energy results in the úpwelling spectral radience at the top of the atmosphere' TOA. 

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What does the spectral preprocessing chain do?

Convert DNs to absolute radiance values or surface reflectance. 

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