RS Acquisition Systems - Microwave remote sensing

6 important questions on RS Acquisition Systems - Microwave remote sensing

What is used to detect the microwave energy?

An antenna

Why doe the fields that passive microwave sensors have to cover have to be large?

Because the energy available is so small a large area is needed to record enough energy for a signal. -> low spatial resolution. 

Into what two categories are active microwave sensors devided into? 

Imaging and non-imaging. 

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How does radar work?

Transmitter generates pulses of microwave radiation which are focused by the antenna into a beam. The beam illuminates the surface and the antenna receives a portion of the reflected radiation. The platform moves forward so a two dimensional image can be created. 

When are polarisation combinations referred to as like-polarised?

When the transmit and receive polarisations are the same. Crosspolarised is when they are not the same. HV

What is speckle and why is it caused?

Random constructive and destructive interference from the multi scattering returns that will occur in each resolution cell. (form of noise that interferes)

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