RS Acquisition Systems - Microwave remote sensing - Interpretation of radar images

7 important questions on RS Acquisition Systems - Microwave remote sensing - Interpretation of radar images

What is the brightness of features in a radar image dependant on?

On the portion of transmitted energy that is returned back to the radar. Dependant on characteristics of the radar system (frequency, polarisation, viewing geomerty..) and the surface charateristics (landcover type, topography, relief..)

What are the main characteristics that control radar energy/target interaction?

Surface roughness of the target, Radar viewing and surface geometry relationship and moisture content and electrical properties of the target. 

When will a given surface appear rougher when using radar?

When the wavelength becomes shorter. When the wavelength is longer, thesurface will appear smoother.

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How are the darker and lighter tones made with radar?

With smooth surfaces hardly any energy is returned to the radar, so the surface appears dark. When the surface is rough the energy is scattered more diffusely and surfaces will appear lighter. 

What is the local incidence angle?

The angle between the radar beam and a line perpendicular to the slope at the point of incidence. It takes into account the local slope of the terrain in relation to the radar beam. 

What does a small local indicidence angle result in?

A significant reflection back to the radar, resulting in a bright-toned appearance. (slopes facing towards the radar)

When does radarreflectivity increase?

With increased moisture content. It influences the electrical properties an so the absorption, transmission and reflection of microwave energy. 

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