RS Acquisition Systems - Multispectral scanning principle

4 important questions on RS Acquisition Systems - Multispectral scanning principle

What kind of sensors are camera's?

Passive optical sensors?

What is the difference between across-track scanners and along-track scanners?

Across-track scanners use a mirror to scan point by point and line by line, these are also referred to as whiskbroon scanners. Along-track scanners use a linear array of detectors, formed by lenssystems, also referred to as pushbroom scanners.

What advantages does the multispectral scanner have over photographic systems?

Not restricted to the visable and near-infrared regions, the multispectral scanner can expand to the thermal reagion. They are also capable of a higher resolution. Because MSS data are recorded electronically, it is easier to determine the specific amount of energy measured and they can record over a greater range of calues in a digital format. Processing can be done earlier.


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What are possible down falls of the MSS? And how are they helped?

Because of the use of seperate lens systems there is a risk that the bands are not comparable both spatially and radiometrically and with registration of the multiple images. All spectral bands are used thought he same optical system to keep them simultaneous. 

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