Microwave remote sensing - Atmospheric correction

4 important questions on Microwave remote sensing - Atmospheric correction

In what two ways does the atmosphere affect the radiance measured at any pixel in an image?

It reduces the energy illuminating the earth surface (through absorption of light e.g.), scattering of the radiation refleced by the earth. 

What is the most important step into correcting atmospheric afflictions?

distinguish real radiance as reflected by the earth from the disturbing path radiance originating from atmospheric scattering. Compesition of the atmosphere is needed. 

What are three kinds of scattering?

Rayleigh scattering (influence of airmolecules. shorter wavelengths = more scattering), Mie scattering (aerosols, 0.1 to 10 times the size of the wavelengths), non-selective scattering (not dependant on wavelength, particles are way larger anyway). 

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What is the darkest pixel method?

Atmospheric correction of haze etc. Objects are chosen with low reflective rates (water) as a reference. 

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