Introduction Remote Sensing - Concepts of remote sensing - Object - radiation interaction

7 important questions on Introduction Remote Sensing - Concepts of remote sensing - Object - radiation interaction

What does the NIR part of the vegetation curve look like?

High, due to high reflectionrate depending on the amount of transitions between cell walls and air vacuoles in the leaf tissue

MIR region of the vegetation reflectance curve?

Depends on water content, usually low due to absorption of the water

What is good about the microwave wavelengths?

Not susceptable to atmospheric scattering

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Difference passive and active microwave sensor?

Passive sensors are only sensitive to radiation from natural origin, usually reflected sunlight or the energy emitted by a source on earth. Passive sensors are characterised by a low spatial resolution because the detected emitted energy levels are so small. Active sensors provide their own source of illumination/radiation and are called radars. Active sensors measure the amount of energy scattered back towards the radar antenna. The object is still passive. 

What information can you gather with the help of a radar?

Geometry (terrain topography), roughness (height varations) and moisture (electrical properties of a soil vegetation). 

Examples of passive sensors?

Photographic camera, multispectral scanner, thermal scanner and the microwave radiometer.

Examples of active sensors?

The radar and lidar

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