Requirements Validation and Negotiation - Requirements Negotiation - Conflict Resolution

4 important questions on Requirements Validation and Negotiation - Requirements Negotiation - Conflict Resolution

What are conflict resolution techniques?

  1. Agreement (negotiate & convince each other).
  2. Compromise (find c. between alternative solutions or amalgamation of solutions).
  3. Voting (between alternative solutions).
  4. Definition of variants (selecting parameters or variable properties so that the system works for everyone).
  5. Overruling (by rank, by hierarchical organization).
  6. Consider-all-facts (collect & prioritize the influence factors).
  7. Plus-minus-interesting (evaluate positive and negative repercussions of influence factors).
  8. Decision matrix (table with all relevant decision criteria, scoring).

Technique 6: Consider all facts (CAF)

This technique is about collecting all facts and influencing factors relating to the requirements that are in conflict. These facts and factors are then prioritized in readiness to be used as an input into the “Plus-­‐Minus-­‐Interesting” or PMI technique.

Technique 7: Plus-­‐Minus-­‐Interesting or PMI

With this technique all the positive and negative repercussions of a solution alternative is being analyzed. Two categories, one for Plus and one for Minus are developed in order to list the Positives and Negatives. When a fact or factor is neither a positive nor a negative item, it is placed in the Interesting column.
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Technique 8: Decision Matrix

This technique to resolve a requirements conflict comprises of a comparison matrix of all key criteria that needs to be considered against each solution alternative. By compiling this comparison information in a matrix format it often highlights which is the best solution to choose. This therefore resolves any conflicts with the collated information provided

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